
Showing posts from June, 2020

Determinism is Uncomfortable

Time for a little departure from the kind of content in my other posts. Or is it? The whole concept of determinism has been floating around in my head for some time, and my brain just had enough and decided I needed to purge all this out into writing.   A lot of people don’t buy into determinism, and that’s fine. This isn’t a concrete “This is what I believe and everything else is w ron g” post. You’ll almost never see content like that from me. It’s philosophy, and none of it is hard science. It ’s just the whole concept of determinism is so mind blowing if you follow it all the way down.    Determinism makes people uncomfortable for a lot of reasons, I think. We want to believe in free will. That we are all the makers of our own fate. Determinism suggests to some people that we are puppets. I don’t see it that way at all. I do want to take a moment to say that I am not talking about Theological Determinism. That assumes an all-powerful God is at the root of everything.