Chaos of Change and the Ethics of Magic

I decided to merge these two subjects into one post because they’re directly connected in many ways. I’ll get right to it. 
If you are planning on performing ritual to change an integral part of your life (relationships, career, finances, health, etc), you should keep in mind what kind of fallout you may experience. The size of the changes requested is directly proportional to the difficulties you will face as the changes manifest in your life. This is what I call “chaos of change” and it can negatively affect you long-term if you aren’t prepared.   
The intention of your ritual is a drop into a sea of universal energy. The size and weight of that drop will resonate outwards, and the ripples will widen as they travel. Eventually, those ripples will hit your target and travel back towards you, hopefully carrying your ends as they come.   
You better brace yourself and hold tight to the mast of your inner strength as those waves travel back, because they can wash over you, battering the shores of your life as you know it. They will wash you away with them if you don’t hold fast. People can get stuck in poor coping mechanisms, addiction, and it can heavily affect their mental health as their life is thrown into upheaval. Magic does not work like in the movies. You will not wake up one day and your life is suddenly different. It’s a process. Sometimes a long, messy one.  
This is where we start to delve into the ethics of magic.   
As the facets of your life change, they will affect and change the lives of the people close to you as well, not to mention the countless people you don’t know. We are all connected by the threads of reality and the universe, and you cannot move a vertex of that fabric without pulling on the fibers around it.  
You performed a ritual to find a new and better job? It’s possible that your intent could cause someone you don’t know to lose their job for that to happen. Want a better relationship? You may end up with the one you have completely deteriorating. Your connections to them and their loved ones severed, friendships lost to never be recovered. People could even die. You can hopefully see how this causes an ethical conundrum.  
Sometimes we are so focused on ourselves and our microcosm that we become oblivious to the world outside of us. The point is that there will be collateral damage somewhere, and the focus of your intention could cause someone to suffer if you aren’t very careful with your intent and how you send you energy out into the universe. Things don’t manifest out of thin air, and there must be a series of events to occur before your payoff. Some may be jarring, difficult, painful, or sad. Not just for you, but for many others. Be ready for that, and make sure it’s worth it to you before moving forward.  


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